Updated Vibratory Feeder Line Handles All Nuts | powderbulksolids.com

2022-08-08 05:44:49 By : Ms. Echo Zhang

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Powder Bulk Solids Staff | Jul 26, 2022

Eriez vibratory feeding equipment efficiently moves and meters a variety of virgin and processed nuts of any size or shape.

The company continues to advance the design of this equipment to evolve and meet the foodservice industry’s needs and regulatory challenges, according to Eriez Vibratory/Screening Product Manager Rob Yandrick.

“Eriez vibratory feeders are a good fit for several applications in the nut industry, particularly when it comes to metering nuts at controlled rates into the next process in the production line,” said Yandrick. “We manufacture all our vibratory feeders specified for nut processing to comply with strict guidelines set forth by Safe Quality Foods (SQF), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and sanitation requirements.”

Eriez vibratory feeders are commonly used to meter nuts into downstream processing equipment. The vibratory feeder acts as the bulk metering device to provide the nuts at a controllable, easily adjusted rate. Feeders are also used to sprinkle salt, sugar, or other seasonings during nut processing. Eriez electromagnetic feeders are offered in various models and designs to meet specific application requirements. 

HD (high deflection) vibratory feeders combine the higher tray deflection, lower frequency advantages of mechanical feeders with the trouble-free service and adjustability of electromagnetic feeders. When screening is required to remove undersize material such as excess salt or oversize materials such as agglomerated coated nuts, the higher tray deflection of HD models is ideal.

HD feeders are commonly utilized in nut processing applications when gentle feeding is critical. “Softer nuts, such as walnuts, can be handled by this model with very little to no marking to the skins,” Yandrick explained. Yandrick notes that Eriez’ team of experts work closely with nut processors to ensure the most ideal feeders are incorporated throughout their facility to maximize efficiency and meet any unique application challenges. 

Eriez HS (high speed) vibratory feeders are specifically designed for fast feed rates and offer fast start-up and shutdown, making this model an excellent choice for nut packaging applications. They provide greater economy and efficiency in feeding and filling and are ideal for use in conjunction with weigh scale and packaging machines. These compact and functional units can be installed easily in small spaces. 

Eriez Model C feeders accurately feed and control material flows ranging from a few lb/mn to many tn/hr. These units have no rotating parts to wear out and feature AC-operated, electromagnetic drives that consume up to 60% less energy than competitive DC drives.  

One of the primary benefits of vibratory feeders in the nut processing industry is the simple and clean construction of the feeder tray. The trays can be easily and quickly wiped down or washed out for product changeover or sanitation protocols, according to Yandrick. “For nuts that tend to deposit residue on equipment, feeder trays can be provided with polished material contact surface to minimize any build-up. As compared to belts or screws, feeders offer a more sanitary approach.”

Eriez, Erie, PA 814-835-6000 www.eriez.com

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